Cabinet maker with a camera

Most know Brandon Collins as a talented craftsman in the Lepori Cabinet Shop, but he also shoots fine art photography. Meet the cabinet maker with a camera, aka BC Collins.

What photo have you enjoyed shooting the most?

My favorite image so far would be the Full Moon shot of my brother Justin and his dog Boomer. I had the idea for months before we made it happen. I thought we would get a couple of decent shots that night, but what we ended up with I could not have asked for anything better. The shot won the Nevada Magazine 2016 Great Nevada Photography Hunt. 

What is your favorite type of photography?

I really enjoy shooting landscapes. I enjoy the thrill of the hunt. I compare landscape photography to fishing. There are times I go out to shoot a location and everything works. The light is right, the clouds look cool, and the composition works out. Then there are times I get skunked. It’s pretty unpredictable. 


What inspires you?

I think that our region has a lot of really cool things to see. I think it’s a lot of fun to show them off and put my own spin on them. With photography, I think that it helps me create images that might make people think, “I’ve walked by that a thousand times and never noticed that.” 


How did you get started in photography?

I got kind of serious about photography just over 3 years ago. I kept seeing these night shots of the Milky Way on social media, and decided that I would like to do that too. I bought a camera that could do well in dark conditions, and just taught myself how to make it work.


Has your skill as a craftsman influenced your work as a fine artist?

I’ve been at Lepori for over 11 years. We’ve done a lot of really cool things in that time. I really like the projects where there is a little more freedom to be creative. I’m more of a detail-oriented person. It’s a blessing and a curse.

Brandon sells his fine photography at 

Chelsey Brice